Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Friend

Even with all of the precautions The Hubs and I take to ensure our vanilla and swinger lives don't cross paths sometimes the lines get blurry...

The Friend of ours is a real friend in our real life. He knows us, he knows our family etc. He has been married or in a LTR for the entire time we have known him... Until recently that is. Yes, I've been attracted to him for a while. But no, I never would have acted on it because of his relationship status(es). Not to say we didn't send the occasional flirt each other's way or an odd drunk text or two but nothing serious and certainly very mild. Until the baseball game.

The Hubs went with the boys of our friends to watch a baseball game. They got their early to tailgate and after a few beers The Hubs was spilling secrets. He not only told the group we were swingers (unsuccessfully I might add - they didn't believe him! lol) he also told The Friend (in private) that if he wasn't attached or married this whole time that I would have invited him home with us by now. 

There was something about that bold moment of telling our secrets that turned me on. And a seed was planted in my flirtatious brain. My flirts definitely stepped up a notch the night I confirmed The Hubs baseball game revelations to The Friend. And in return his flirts have too...which brings us to this weekend. 

A text message conversation began to unfold yesterday that was up several notches on his part. By the end of the night he declared he was sure he was ready to have playtime. I called his bluff and said he could come over tomorrow (tonight) and he should text me when he is free.

Now... I have 100% no doubt he will lose his guts on this and we won't play. The real kicker is I can't decide how I would feel about that. I mean, I talk a big game because my knowledge of this friend says he wouldn't ever go through with it. But I can't help but wonder...

What if...

What if he really did text me, what would I do/say/think? Could I, would I really fuck a real life friend? I go back and forth on hot vs fucked up vs hot vs anxiety producing. Could I relax knowing he was seeing me naked? Or would it be the exciting pay off to the many drunk text flirting build up? What would happen afterward?? I feel confident in my ability to go back to being friends, but would he be able to be comfortable around me again? Is he going to always be thinking I'm for real if I flirt with him? Would our other friends pick up on it all? Will it kill our friendship?

It's an interesting conundrum I often contemplate but never land on what is the right side for me. I'm always curious what The Hubs thinks, sometimes I think he enjoys watching me squirm with a friend and sometimes I wonder if he thinks I would be making a huge mistake but is letting me come to that conclusion on my own. I don't know... so many questions!

Anyone ever fucked a real life friend... did it go well?

The Wife


  1. I have not, but my wife has (before we met). It was a threesome with a married couple. From what I've been told, everything went well, and they're still good friends today. Her and the male talk fairly often, and I've met both of them. Makes things....interesting for me, but I just keep my mouth shut.

  2. I've never fucked a friend (though some fucks have become good friends!), but I'd proceed with caution. I am a generally fairly cautious guy though, so it might work out just fine if you ignore me!

  3. @Justin - are you uncomfortable with your wife and him being friends at all or are they flirty and that makes you uncomfortable?

    @hubman - caution is my middle name! It's fun to talk with him but we both know it's all talk.

  4. @The Wife- I'm not uncomfortable at all with their friendship. I think it's more jealousy than anything. Occasionally, he seems to get super flirty, and I'll get a little irritated by it. He's made it very clear that he wants to relive that experience. Now, I don't really consider myself "vanilla" (I'm under the assumption that vanilla means boring and unadventurous), but I'm not sure I'm ready to watch my wife be plowed by another guy.

    I've also recently found out that, after meeting him and his wife, they had a mid-coitus dialogue about swapping with my wife and I.

    (Sorry this was so long)
